Life Balance: How the 8+8+8 Rule Changed My Daily Routine

Life Balance: How the 8+8+8 Rule Changed My Daily Routine

Have you ever felt like a hamster on a wheel who forgot why it's running in the first place? I have. My day started with me trying to convince myself that setting five alarms in a row is normal. Then I'd dive into work like a marathon champion, minus the medals and applause. Lunch? Who even has time to eat! Sleep? A luxury for the weak.

Eureka or "Why Didn't I Think of This Sooner?"

One day, after I tried to brew coffee without water (don't ask), I realized something had to change. And then, like a revelation, I stumbled upon the 8+8+8 rule. The idea is as simple as all great ideas:
  • 8 hours for work
    (not the 12 I'd been doing)
  • 8 hours for sleep
    (a dream, an unattainable dream)
  • 8 hours for personal time
    (what's that?)
"Yeah, right, it can't be that simple!" I thought. But curiosity got the better of me.

Attempt Number One (and Only)

First Step: Cut the workday down to eight hours. "No way, the boss won't like it," said my inner voice. Then I remembered that I am my own boss. So I issued myself a strict order to leave work on time. Funny, but it worked!
Second Step: Sleep for eight hours. This meant going to bed before midnight and stopping the "just one more episode" binge until 3 a.m. Tough, but I did it. Turns out the world didn't fall apart while I was asleep.
Third Step: Personal time. Well, I remembered I had a hobby — playing the piano. And I also had friends and family who still remembered what I looked like.

Unexpected Results

After a couple of weeks, I noticed strange things:
  • I had more energy. I even stopped looking like an extra from a zombie movie.
  • Work became more efficient. Who knew that rest makes the brain work better!
  • I learned to laugh again. Yes, you read that right.

How You Too Can Be a Little Less Crazy

  • Analyze Your Schedule: Maybe you're also trying to squeeze the impossible into 24 hours.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say "no." Especially to yourself when you decide to work "just one more hour."
  • Find Joy in the Simple Things: Remember those activities that make you happy? Try doing them again.


The 8+8+8 rule became my lifebuoy in the ocean of endless hustle. If you feel like you're turning into a caffeine-powered robot devoid of feelings and desires, try this simple recipe. Who knows, maybe you'll remember what it's like to live a full life and not dread Mondays.